Monday, October 11, 2010

Making a difference...

The 2010 Relay For Life in Dana Point went very well. We were able to raise over 55,000! The weather started a bit unstable but later became a beautiful and a warm afternoon! There were so many activities to enjoy while raising awareness, encouragement, and hope to one day find a cure! From the early morning set up, to the afternoon dunk tank, and during the walking of the "theme laps," there were smiles and friendly faces everywhere!

The last five years of RFL here in Dana Point, I have had the honor of being the "survivor chairperson." For 2011 RFL, I will instead become the "event chairperson." Which really means....all and anyone who has ever said they'd like to help out sometime....YOUR TIME HAS COME!

There will be plenty of ways to become involved whether big or small. Please think of what you can do to help! It could be emailing people, follow up calls, decorating, blowing up balloons etc! One of the "very special things to do is to have a team that honors a loved one past or present." Our family anymore, considers it to be our "ocean view campout each year!" The fun and special time walking together with only the luminary candles to light the track at night, has our boys singing together in a beautiful way(unless you are trying to actually sleep), and creates a memory never to forget! This is something you can do with your family that WILL bring you together.

This event brings a warmth that is shared by many. The stories heard and told, bring the reality of why we take one day out of a year to honor those touched by cancer for the better or for the worse. At 3am, the writings that are done on a poster board gives us the strength to continue on for several more hours(as teams divide walking time). Get ready for next year!

Finally, I am back to doing the things I love and enjoy. For those of you that have been my support in every circumstance in my life, I treasure each and every one of you in your own spacial way. The stories we share are unique only to ourselves. I can look at each person and know what makes them special to me. Thank you for being with me during depression. Never be ashamed to talk about it. I now know that I am not alone. Life has challenges for everyone, its how you get through it that makes the difference.


  1. Had a great time at this year's Relay! Thanks for all you do to bring awareness to our family. Rachel, you are such an encouragement to me... Keep up the good fight & stay strong, God most certainly IS with you! Oh, so count us in for next year!

  2. I don't remember seeing a way to purchase Luminarias this year...

    How do we get pictures!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Each relay event will always have a "luminaria" booth to order and even decorate your luminaria personally if you choose. It is also possible to order on line for your local relay, with a credit card. As far as pictures, I am not sure which photos you are talking about. You may call me direct or via email! Rachel
